Thursday, March 27, 2008

We can do it!

It has been awhile since a post went up. Reason being, we're all pretty swamped with work. It's the final two weeks before three. hits the stage and honestly, it's pretty nerve-wrecking. Full run begins tomorrow and even then, we might still need to rework some scenes beforehand. I can almost feel my heart in my throat as I'm typing this. It's an intense 3 1/2 month process which is almost coming to it's end. I'm certain though, that it will turn out great.

We've got a lot of support from family and friends all round. And everyone's looking forward to this. So, let's make them proud, everyone! We can do it. Just pull through the last two weeks of rehearsals. Then, set the sail down, and smoothly thread the waters of the stage for another two. Then, we are done!

*Speaking of which, I still have not planned the cast party. Whoops! Lol.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Premier night is another day nearer!
Can tapau popcorn masuk makan ar?
