Monday, April 21, 2008

The end of the beginning of the end

Hey all. It's the funny Monday. The one after a long run, and a long process, of creation, with a group of people. People whom, whether you like it or not, have somehow, become a part of your life. You had the love, the hate, the annoyance, the laughter, the tears... and whatever other emotions you could think of, that it's like family. Yup Nick, corny, and emo. But that IS the deal.

This is the Monday after.

It was a great party. You fellas who left early, ah, sit and wonder la what you all missed :P

I am just sitting here, in the office. Coping. I have been at this point so many times, having done so many shows. And it never has become easier.

You know it's the end. But at the same time, it's only the end if you allow it to be. Keeping the friends you found. That is the challenge. A hard one.

So. This is it.

Life finds a way. To weave the ones that matter (you guys know who you are, right?), into your own life. Of course, You yourself can help it, but there is also a higher being, an unseen force, at work, to help you weave them in.

Ok la enough. I think I have gone on too much. Just my random thoughts for today, the first day of the end.



Sunday, April 20, 2008

last breakup

so here is my post at last!! tomoro will be my last day to be in love and breakin up again wit my "love" in my heaven. hahahaha

i have to say that me as a non profesional actor and being in THREE has definately learned and gained alot of experiences and knowledge that are so crucial for my future career...
im glad to be one fo the cast among other experienced cast like Nicole, Wai Hong, Payal and Lorna,and being under the direction of multitalented Kerry for my movements and Helena as the director. and also how can i forget the sweetest stage manager Mr.Shank. and the awesome music by our most eligible bachelors band, Nick ,Tony, Julio and Andrew. together they are all Bomb!

as any other productions, there is always the ups and downs, and im gald that we all managed to pull it of till the very end of our production. itz been almost four months now beeing with all of you guys, and yes, itz been like a family for me and i will definately miss each of you... (i bet nicole must be like F Off!)-datz anotha thing dat i learned frm her!

anyways, before i start craping here and annoying you all, i better end it here. but before i leave, i wld like to appologise for anything that i wld have said or done( directly or indirectly) that might have hurt any of you frm the day one till the very last moment of us being together...ceh emo la konon nye...hehehe

i love you all.
letz together put on the best eva performance tomoro and blasting party after!!!

to be continued in the near future.....


Friday, April 11, 2008

Are my eyes decieving me?

Oh wow, the sky is going to fall down! Both Nic's have posted up something! Sheesh! Better late than never.

Yesterday was three.'s opening night and it was a good show. There were tears shed in the crowd and there were a lot of "oohh's" and "aahh's" as well. But hey, keep up the good work everyone, nine more shows to go!

Break legs!



I feel real bad for not writing anything. So here i am, day after opening night, just woke up... and its 4 hours before call time, cant wait to get on stage. Its a special kind of high. Ill chill with the D key tonight. Im feeling for dim sum tonight... What say you? everybody?

Rock On!!!

Me firzt post...

Ok Helena. Your wish has been fulfilled.

three. opened yesterday. It was good. Pleasant opening night. A lot of screaming Payal and Soni fans, oh, and Wai Hoong (Mr. Hot-Tight-Body) fans of course. Lorna got flowers. I got... a beer.

9 more shows. 9 more cups of Milo to make. 9 more sheets to hang. Nine. nine.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Three. opens tomorrow

Three. opens tomorrow, guys. The run ends on the 20th of April, 2008. Your support is much apprieciated. Hopefully, we'll see you there. Take care, and god bless.


Helena Foo

Saturday, April 5, 2008

It has begun

Yesterday marked the last three. rehearsal at the A. D. Studio. And I'd have say that it ended with a lot of courage and bravery. Emotions were laid out and it ran high. We're only 5 days away from opening night now, so wish us luck and tell us to break our legs.


Friday, April 4, 2008

60 Second Plug by Kakiseni's Yasmin Zetti Martin

Hello all,

As you know, three.'s opening next week. Bump in starts on Monday and things are gonna be on full throttle for all of us here on the cast, band and crew. I'd advise all of you who are interested to come, please get your tickets now because there is a promotion of "buy three free one ticket" which ends on the 6th of April (this Sunday) But anyway, I just wanted to share with you an interview by Kakiseni's Yasmin Zetti Martin. Our dear Nicole was interviewed and her answers are.....well.....I don't know what to say about them. I was too busy laughing my ass off. Well, here it is. Enjoy.


03. 04. 2008
The 60 Second Plug: Three. by Yasmin Zetti Martin
Young director, Helena Foo, treads on new ground now, as she brings us her newest work: Three. With Lorna Hoong, Wong Wai Hoong, Nicole-Ann Thomas, Payal Vashist and Soni Deol, Helena delivers to audiences a piece of physical theatre inspired by Mitch Albom’s popular book The Five People You Meet In Heaven, and a few of Helena’s own memories. We spoke to Nicole-Ann, who revealed her un-motherliness, and told us about “this”.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tell us about yourself.
Nicole's my name and theatre's my game! I’ve been doing this (and by “this” I mean theatre/singing/moving/you-name-it) for ages. The thing about it is you never stop learning, so it's all good. I am a very nice person. Caring and understanding. I have good skills when it comes to handling people, and I’m always there if you need me to remind you that life isn’t a bed of roses.

Tell us about your role in three.
I play Mother. But I am not yet one. Maybe it's a message ...

Then why do you think you got the part?
They were holding auditions, and I guess somewhere behind my scary facade Helena Foo -- the director -- saw a glimmer of motherly hope.

What's it like working with Helena?
She is quite the funny gal. Really. She looks angry half the time, but actually, it's just her way of zoning out.

How do rehearsals work out?
We get there, warm up, and then try to work and re-work scenes, keeping what works and discarding what doesn't. It's a collaborative ensemble piece -- we try to keep it organic.

We heard Helena has some torture warm-ups she likes to use on her actors.
Helena and torture? Nah. The two words can't co-exist together. She is a gentle little ... nymph. I think she’s had more experiences with my torturous methods instead. [Laughs]

How was the casts' stamina at the beginning of rehearsals?
Oh, some of them needed to be kicked up the ... can I use that word? But everyone knew what kind of work would be involved, and how much was needed from each and every member. So it wasn't a problem conditioning each other.

Tell us a really bad joke you heard in rehearsals.
That Lorna Hoong is actually a man.

Have you ever read Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet In Heaven?
I am actually still in the process of reading it. Yah, I very bad wan. What to do? Work, rehearsals, work, rehearsals. But so far, it's quite different from Three. Three. is also based on Helena's own life experiences.

Give us one really good reason we should watch Three.
Wai Hoong's hot tight body!

What inspires you?
Good theatre. And people who start small, and never forget where they came from.

Any drama/gossip from behind the scenes you care to share?
Helena waxes her legs.

What are your greatest hopes for the production?
That the audience leave either loving it or hating it -- as opposed to total indifference.

What are your greatest fears for the production?
That my scene falls flat. Yikes!

Who is your secret super-hero alter-ego?
I am already a super-hero. But the other super-hero I would like to be is Mystique, from X-men.

Ok then, as Mystique, what is your one and only weakness?
Fear that if I lose my powers, I may be caught naked and therefore be charged in court for flashing.

What's the most productive thing you could do in 60 seconds?
Daydream about world peace. Hey! There’s a beauty queen in all of us.

What's next for you?
Dancing Through Broadway with Farah Sulaiman in June, then maybe a few other collaborative projects later in the year.

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Yasmin Zetti Martin writes for Kakiseni.

Three. runs at Pentas 2, KLPac, Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan (off Jalan Ipoh) Kuala Lumpur, from Thu 10 - Sun 20 Apr 2008 (Tue - Sat: 8.30pm; Sun: 3pm; NO show on Mon). Tix cost RM25/ RM15 (students, sr. citizens & the disabled). For more information on ticket promotions, click here.