Sunday, March 2, 2008

One more month

There's just one more month till show week. Days seem to be passing by like the blinking of an eye. Rehearsal days should be increasing soon and everyone should be on their toes till the end of the run so I hope that all goes well and everyone keeps their cool for now.

Anyway, to all you people out there who aren't in the production, but still read this blog, please come to the show, yeah? It'll be great if we have your support. Trust me, we need it. A lot. Lol.

Well, that's my two cents for today.


1 comment:

Lorna Hoong said...

I'm writing this coz i promised Helena to pen down something....ANYTHING!!!

BTW, I have absolutely no idea what Helena is talking about in her blog...(about me and what i said bout the bugs). I just believe that its a good sign. A girl gotta be optimistic right???

BTW, Helena....i'm not getting any new car till i get the story of the RM50 bleeding car out of my mind. Didn't anyone told you not to scare your lead actor!!!!???? As a result i canceled the week's rehearsals. Hahahaha.

Nah, just joking. I'm just being silly. Got a show on Thurs and Melvin's talk to attend on Friday. Will be replacing the reheaesals the same weekends. (with Soni).